Are we up to round 7? Hunh. Wow. Okay - I think I've got three rounds of catch-up to do:
Round 5: BR 2 and 3. Shit.
Round 6: BR 10 and 11. Two hits, for (BR 1 and 3) 8 points damage.
Round 7: BR 19 and 20.
A pattern has emerged!
Anyway. BR 4 and 3, for 16 points damage.
Yup. How's this thing looking? I continue to pump it full of arrows until one of my companions gets too low - and then give them a betterberry and keep shooting.
Here are two more rounds: BR 10 and 14, BR 1 and 2, 7points.
BR 9 and 15, BR 5 and 3, 12 points.