I pull off some of the red lotus guys robe and tie it around my arm. "Demon"
I raise an eyebrow to all of you. "These guys are already wearing different clothes...If they get ours they'll probably put the armband on to...thus defeating our cunning plan. But I'm game, I like saying Demon"
Dave, Fist of Odin
If the question is 'fresca', I say the response should be 'Tab'.
And hey - shoot a guy in the back? We don't know anything about these chummers. I mean, Brogg, you do what you gotta do, I got your back, no problem. But here's how I see it. How many eyes does Odin have? One. How many tounges does he have? One. How many spleens? Just the one. But how many Fists does Odin have?
He has two. Two fists.
I think I'm gonna get along just fine with my other. Or at least, I'm not gonna start anything - I'm just gonnna finish whatever gets started. That is my way.
Oh - and thanks for the cloth. The upper right arm, here?
Yeah, that's some good thinking, Cinder. Hand me a strip of that cloth. Scarlet, eh?
Ok, the code word is going to be "Fresca".
I am assuming that we would heal up and rememorize our spell lists by this point. -I am going to update.
Anyway, I shoot that fake Marivhon the back. No offense, real Marivhon... BR:3. Well, I guess that it's a warning.