Can I get a status check? We've got two Bekkers - one is down, right? Where's the other one?
We've got some guards, and a captain. Did they all rush into the building?
Az and the princess are in the building - both out of combat, right?
My bobcat was just fucking shit up, and apparently went into the building. That's cool. I dunno if I did - depends on what my party's doing. If no-one's on the 'new' Bekkers, then he's the apple of my eye. If he's covered, I go help Az.
Here's two rounds of bowfire - first choice is new-Bekkers, then guard captain, then guards (depending on the tactical situation).
BR 12 and 10 - hit AC 0 (for 6 points) and AC 2 (for 4 points).
BR 8 and 16 - hit AC 4 (for 3 points) and AC -4 (for 7 points).