Is Bekkers the guy that was juicing the Prince? Why is he here? I'll give the Chums the benefit of the doubt, either he duped them into rescuing the Princess so that he could get her, or he wanted the Daughers to weaken the Chums so that he could set up an ambush to kill them. Since it's hard and dangerous to ambush a flying blimp, I'm thinking that the Daughters kidnapped the Princess, but he needs to juice her, so he got the Chums to rescue her.
I'm not sure the Chums are "good," Charon is somewhat Chaotic/evil, they might just be in this for the cash and prestige. So I'm not sure we can talk to them. In fact, I'm not sure if Tut is good, I'm not sure that he cares at all about whether or not she gets juiced...it might just be better to level and get some cash.