Theodore Koppel
I climb up a tree near the Princess. BR: 82, -barely.
Hello, My Lady, my name is T. Koppel.Up here in the tree, -that's right, up top'ple.My words shouldn't scare, but only assuage youMy name is Ted Koppel, and I'm here to save you.I suggest while these bitches and chums still fightYou follow my lead and we get out of sightYou see, nearby I have a ship and a crewAnd we'll take you to Onze, if it so pleases youI do this 'cause T. Koppel feels great obligationTo always do right by ladies of your stationSo please allow me to lead you and your muleAnd we'll have you at sea before the end of this duelI climb down, and try to lead her mule away.