Yeah yeah yeah - dustmen, fighting, get the crown back to Ratso, whatever.
Actually - why'd we run back to the bar? I would have thought going to the Rat King would be a better idea. Take care of that biz, maybe get some help against the dustmen, etc.
But, anyway. I don't care about any of that. What's in the spellbook?
I kinda want to know before casting any spells - I'll at least take a look.
I mean, if it's a spellbook. Maybe it's, like, a list of log tables. That'd be good if we were bridge-builders, I suppose. Shall we build a bridge?
But I want to know before we get in this fight. And hey - I've got sleep and shield kicking in my head - if those spells aren't in the spellbook, is there a way to get them written down so I could re-memorize them?