I hadn't used dancing lights yet today except with Rapist Jim, and if you mean that use the of it, I think it would still be active, if not that's ok. Did I get surprise?
did I drop RAPIST jim during my first surprise attack series. or my second series of attacks the "1st" round of combat? If I dropped him on the "1st" round of combat is that when the Ghouls put me down? If so the party has a free round on the ghouls while they attack me, no?
I mistyped. I would dancing lights the first round at the end, and darkness the second round at the beginning.
The reasons I attacked Rapist Jim have more to do with his name, the way he didn't answer my question, and that I said I wanted to put him down when I heard about him. The daughters of Venus didn't have much good to say about know Rapist Jim...
He's down. I bandage myself either way.