Hey Rob I thought when you said-
Thak and KT, okay, you guys build the world's first flush toilet. In fact, I'm gonna add that to the label below. Well done. Everyone gains 50 xp for being part of this revolution in sanitation technology. Huygens levels, gains 2 hp, takes 'Dapper' as his NWP.
well, I thought you meant it. Did I get the pleasure of flushing or no? What are my boots like? I would also like to point out that I did not suggest we go back to the bar. I did say I would kill rapist jim if I met him if he couldn't explain his name to my satisfaction. I did say I really didn't want to give the crown to the rat king. I also don't really want to leave Twilos. I think we could do some shit here, but maybe the party wants to just fuck around someplace else. I personally think this place could use some light.
back to the game I guess....
using skywritting
Can you explain the name Rapist Jim to me? I think I may have some questions for you before I get on that boat. I don't have my weapons out I just look at him rather blankly, and I sit down. strech a bit.