Okay. Two round on fat gnomes, one of whom is wounded? Their AC is 9? Check.
BR 2 and 8 first round. One hit for 7 points.
BR 10 and 9 second round. Two hits - first for 4, second for 6. I fire on the wounded gnome until it drops, and then the other one.
If both are down I go outside to return sniper fire. If not I stay inside till those two are dealt with. It sounds like our wounded companion is getting some medicking, so that's okay.
Next round - BR 5 and 14, hits AC 9 and 0. BR 1 and 3 for 3 and 5 hp damage (or 2 and 4, if on snipers more than 30' away).
The round after that, unless something else happens - BR 19 and 8, which hits AC -5 and 6. BR 2 and 5 respectively - for 3 and 6 hp of damage if the snipers are more than 30' away (if they're closer, bump those up by one each).
Again, I'll fire at a sniper until they drop, and then move to another target. How many snipers? What's their distance and AC?
And do I know what Mr. Koppel is doing?