I attack, longsword and flail.
It was meant to be. 18 and a 17.
ok maybe not. 9 points and 1 point. I am going to try and manuever in the space we are in so he can't get away from me very easily should he try and run. I don't know if we are in an alley or whatever, I just don't want him to sprint off.
I dancing lights a message of "surrender and you will live" that will rush towards him, disperse, and then shoot into the sky as high as I can make it go. That should let the party know where I am.
My save I gave you was for falling damage, but if you used it for the poison I guess that I didn't really make that clear....I hope this goes well.
If I get another round of attacks. Wow this guy was meant to die. 16 and an 18 with the Longsword, for 7 and 5 hps. Flail hits with an 18 for 1 hrm that -2 damage really sucks.
If the Half Orc is still up I cry.