I check out the temple to plutus.
I'm not really trying to interact with people, as much as watch them. Look around for Holy Warriors, Prince Presses, etc.
I'm not looking to avoid or meet the Drow. I have heard some weird shit about them growing up and would rather ease into anything that might come. I would like to try and see about some wooden armor.....What AC might it be and who could make it. I'm above wearing leather but some nicely made wooden scalemail might not be so bad.
Are these temples run by prisoners? Or can the Priests go freely from here. Since Mercury is also Hermes, I'll look into spellbooks for the little guy here. I would try and see if Mercury the Messenger might be able to get a letter to the King or Queen of Onze, and a reply. If I have to I will tell them the story, if they don't seem like questionable folk.
Do you have to pay to watch in the arena...? Can I get an idea of what the low level fights are like. Say if I was going to do a 1-1 fight.
The Venus temple might have Whores...I look into doing security for them.
You guys know if you won that Rap battle the song would get out, maybe it's a chance to reach the outside world.
I make the 2 flails and a small lance.
When are the Priests of Zelba coming because they could definately get a message out to the King of Onze. They might also have some info on Prince Pressing and it's utility.
random encounters...
6/4/5/2/1/2 all on d6. Can I get a dress or something from our barkeeps daughter?
Some fight rolls if needed 1st round 10/7/19 darkness 3 points
2n 11/10/17 5 points/2 points
3rd 8/5/1
I'm thaco 19 with the flails (-1 cause they suck, so 20), and the darkness shouldn't bother me.