King Tut
I snap out of the Hold.
"Hey it's totally fine guys, we don't want our friends hurt. In fact, we don't really care what you do with the Prince. He had paid us before for some mercenary work, so we thought an easy rescue would yield some more easy cash, that's all. We don't have any loyalty to him or anything. In fact, he left us while we were in the middle of an adventure! We had to pay for our own lodging when he said that he would. So just let us know what works for you guys and we'll stay out of your way for sure. In fact, I don't even think I remember seeing you at all. Was the Prince killed by a rampaging hobgoblin? I forget."
"In fact, we'd be happy to do some mercenary work for you if you need anything done...and have coin to pay."
Cha check d20 = 11, pass (Cha 17!).