hes an asian, a tuff one too
Theo, I think you mean 'Change Self'. Alter Self is 2nd circle. Change Self has a short, random duration though, so you'll only be out for about a minute.
Okay, well someone give me a more specific plan, if you're going to split up into two groups. The only 'stealthy' person in the party is Theodore.
Thak, alright, you obtain a AC:5 breastplate. That's a big help. You talk to Lars in the morning and he agrees to help you out. When you see him at work tonight, he says:
hey there thak its me lars ulrich
yup i did like you wantd and i went round and talked to sum guys n stuff
theres a bad guy out thre tryin to get u killd
his name is luko or grotto or somethin
hes an asian
and a tuff wun too
hes payin good to get u guys
down at red rokets
they got some good chips there u kno?
i had a coulpa beers that were pretty good lotsa bubbels it was good w chups
gonna kill u befor the big contest or somthn
i dunno why did u maybee kill his mom? i didnit meat him i jus talked to some orks
that suks thak watcha gona do? come on we got sum ladys to help