Factory Fight Cleanup
Thak, maybe the guy's illiterate or something. In retrospect, doesn't matter much as you slaughter him in the second round, right about when your legs buckle. Again. He takes a wild stab, missing you again before you stick the sword in his throat.
At least with the Dancing Lights, you can signal to the others where you are.
Thak and Theo are paralyzed but conscious, and several of you are wounded also. A bunch of dead gnomes, two dead half-orc assassins, and one who escaped. Hmm. Those who can walk, move everyone back down the road towards your home at Rats and Razors.
Some more healing, and you rest the night, and more healing during the day. Thak and Theo aren't getting better. Worse, if anything. The next day, Rats and Razors is quiet, ominously so, and Huygens leaves you guys alone.
The CCC is in two days now.