The Asian Ambush
Well Thaka, given that you're up against a bunch of thieves with Hide in Shadows, infravision doesn't quite trump that. Also, your attackers are themselves hidden. WIS checks are the best way to go here.
I won't wait for everyone to post WIS, as that could take a week in real life. Without further ado...
Theodore, you've got a top-down view of the action. Three big guys rush the front of the party. Looks like at least one is coming from the rear. And oh shit, roof cover from two shooters up top.
Thak, they're on you to begin. Good thing you bought that armor...
Of the three in front- a human, a dwarf, and an orc, only the dwarf connects. Double damages you with his hammer for 10 pts. One crossbow bolt catches you in the arm for 6 more, and make a save vs poison.