You're Fairie Fired
Oh okay, Thaka steps up to Frank. "What's goin' on here? Some kind of Darkie-Trannie thing? That's different. WhatevaOOF." You casually apply 8 more pts of dmg. Frank's still up, lookin' real bad.
Next round, he's Fairie Fired. "Well that sucks." He clocks you good for 4. You never quite get to that crit fumb.
Frank is now AC:9 and the other guy is AC:8. Both low on hp, you'd wager, kinda like yourselves.
Coming into Round 6 we got:
Azoth: -3/9
Thaka: -2/13
Theodore: 5/5
Thren: 1/6
Tut2: 7/13