I don't know if were-snakes exist, per se, but if they do I'm sure they suck. And yeah, I'll head out on a little jaunt. Why not!
But first - we've got a day, right? I'll see if there's a mage guild around, see what's going down there. I want to buy some extra silver arrows, too. Here are some questions I have for the mage guild, if such exists:
a) Anything going on that a mage should know about?
b) Any trouble with lycanthropes around here?
c) How can I join, what do I have to do if I can, and what does it get me?
I've got a 4 CHA, so if there's CHA rolls to be made I'm gonna go down, but I'm a fairly bright elf maiden. Or rather, a fairly bright elf bitch, 'cuz I'm rough around the edges the way that hydrogen's a light element. Which is a lot.
And Thaka - if you need any translating done, let me know, I'm down.
I'm also down for some rapping at the inn, if such is to be had, and won't interfere with my day-tripping.
Also, please note that I have updated my character sheet. Took out the x2 damage at close range, and changed one of my languages (from dragon to weretounge). I'm pretty sure that's a minor change, but let me know if that's not a valid form of communication. I'd rather fill 'em full of silver, anyway. They're a bunch of cock-goblins, if you ask me, or even if you don't.