That's Not What A Tired PC Wants To Hear
Okay Thren, you guys head back through town, deciding to stop off at the temple of Apollo to drop off the Crystal Eye.
You can hire a water taxi to take you there (1 gp someone). Sure enough, the temple still stands, although the acolytes are busy patching cracks in the roof, while the Oracle stands outside in the rain, umbrella in hand, watching the skies.
You hand her the Eye. She looks at you curiously, and some small emotion flashes in her eyes. Pity? Sorrow? It's gone before you can tell too much.
My thanks. While it is usual to bequeath a gift upon you, I'll forego the custom for now. Come back later." She stares at you for a moment, then looks away to gaze at the heavens.
You look at each other, and, uncomfortable just 'hanging out' with the Oracle, take your leave. As you walk back to the boat, she says: "
Beware of heights."
What happened to epic poem prophecies?
You take the taxi back to the wealthy district on the big island of Gorgos. Looks like it's mostly intact and has suffered the least damage overall. Hooray for the rich!
You head to The Chrysanthamum and begin to head up to your room when you're stopped. "That room is no longer available," the desk clerk tells you.
"His highness the Prince of Onze and his entourage checked out two days ago. We're sorry, but the room is taken now."
What? You guys arrived here
Uh oh.