If you have the feeling that Thaka is with you, you are mistaken. She is staying with the Prince. Sorry but I am not wandering off, when I have agreed to get the Prince to some destination. the wavering thumbs up I gave was for after we get done with the prince.
I miss my check 4 times in a row. Thats 4 half days of work, if O have your instructions correct. I can only work for the orcs on half days because I am training on my own or with the Prince the rest of the day.
So I get 4 gold in credits to my armor if I am not mistaken.
I spend the 50 gold on the cloak. How much did making the sign cost, if it was needing to be replaced.
Again if it's not clear from my post earlier Thak is not with Azoth. I am honor bound to not enter into dangerous employ while I have an outstanding obligation.