patchwork and embroidery with the knight on the left shoulder striking the dragon on across the left shoulderblade and the lower left of the back. I would like the cloak done in leather not cloth. I would like it to be of a quality that a 5th level character would not need to replace it.....maybe 50 gold.
I attack the prince subdual a 2 and a 3 nice.
some more attacks on him an 8 and a 20 for round 2 for 4 points of damage.
round 3 is some misses and I will bow out at that point. Literally.
I bow, smile and extend my hand to the prince.
I would like to work at the blacksmiths shop for credit towards a suit of platemail. I have equipment care as a NWP and I would like to learn to smith swords. Does he have a nice sign? If it's not as nice as I think it should be I will spend some money and try to redo his sign out front with my woodblock carving abilities....I got a 9....not sure how much it costs for a hunk of wood for a sign. I don't ask him if I should do it. I do it if I think it should be done, if he wants to help me out after that's up to him. I only do this if he seems like a fine enough gent.
I assume Matilda and I are staying at the Inn paid for by the Prince while we await to depart. I will spar with the prince whenever he wants and if he wants to try jousting we can setup a ring thing and he can give my lance a try at hitting the ring from atop matilda. She's a good horse for the boy, not too crazy or timid, she knows what the rider wants to do most of the time so she's easy to control.