Open Doors, And: Wait A Sec There Speedy
Sorry Thaka, but the glass like all magical undersea laboratory glass is Glassteel. Tink tink no cracky.
Pushing the white button does nothing.
7-11 yelps a bit and seems somewhat befuddled by the Dancing Lights. He's still rocking the control panels.
EDIT: Oh right. Actually, the main reason you're slow is because you failed two saves vs. a paralytic poison. The effect isn't wearing off, just the opposite. It cuts your move in half. Base is 15", in armor it's down to 12", and from the poison, you're moving at a 6" landspeed.
7-11 gets to the room in advance of you and has a bonus round in there. He manages to figure something out, and you see him emphatically turn some kind of dial...