King Tut
Can I fricking train yet? I only need 1450 xp to hit 2nd, and with my 10% bonus, I only needed to gain 1320 xp to be 2nd level Druid.
Regardless, I fire a few arrows at the normal rats. I am not in melee (or at least, I am trying not to be).
D20 = 16, d20 = 20. Who needs glasses? Indeed.
d6=4 + 2 = 6 pts of dmg. If that rat doesn't die, it gets the 2nd arrow too, if it does die, another rat gets the 2nd arrow. d6=5 + 2=7*2=14 pts.
IQ check at half: d20=17, not even close.
This time warp business is very's more like we were in suspended animation (or the whole station was) for that period of time.