After some healing, I head over the local temple of Apollo. I ask if there are any quests that need doing (that could be fulfilled in the next, say, 5 days), and, if there is an oracle around, I see if I can get a portent about either my journeys, or the Prince's inauguration. Us clerics of Apollo are very into the whole divination thing.
I check out the Brass Dragon, and help myself to a Wigga. I fully intend to kill that pirate bastard some day. I go out and buy a spear.
I suppose I should talk to some of my new associates.
"So... Tut. You're a druid samaurai pirate, eh? Wierd."
"Hey Threnody. So you hate lycanthropes, eh? That's cool. Is there such a thing as weresnakes? Y'see, one time my god killed this huge snake, and we've never really stopped honoring the tradition of eliminating all ophidian monstrosities, so, y'know, let's kill some snakemen some time, huh? That'd be pretty cool."
As a cleric of the sun god, I'm a little skeptical of Drow, even noble looking ones.