And I Don't Mean Mr. Purple Rain
Hi new guys whose names all start with a lisp. Please don't yet start talking shit about the DM as I don't yet have established powerful NPCs to defend my honor. Besides, you LOVE a boat on fire and we both fucking know it.
Anyway, you'll find some answers to char creation on Table Talk, so please look over there. I'll wait. No really. Table Talk.
Okay, great. Tut 2, you grab a bucket of chum and splash it on the burning sail. Make a DEX check to see how lucky you get, if you're able to contain the flames with a big bucket of nasty chum.
As for the rest of you, well, you got some pirate trouble looks like. The Prince won't be happy about this.
Each of you who wants to be in combat, give a DEX check to avoid the hostile fire, and you each have a swarthy human seadog on you. As they took some time to swing on ropes over here, you guys have init. Or, do what you please.
Rhyming counts as a FREESTYLE action.