There Is No Sixth Trout Legend
Just so it doesn't get lost: DaveFoO and Tut, no one's eating the Brown Lotus until you guys sort it out. Tut grew it, but then again, Dave FoO posted in first. The thing takes about a week to grow. Frankly, it kind of makes more sense if Tut gets to eat it, since he made the damn thing. Maybe Tut can make you something else with his new-found Alchemy and Gardening skills and tools?
Moth, okay, coin taken. Hmm, the telescope is massive. Modern-observatory-kind-of-massive, it's the size of a silo. Physically moving it doesn't seem to be possible, or even a good idea. The computer connects to the telescope and the mirror by these large, many-threaded SCSI cables, so it seems that if you want to do anything here, you've got to get into the computer by some means.
As for Meeks, he's finally dead. Eaten everything within reach. Actually, the library is filled with the horrible stench of his two-ton bulk decaying. Yuck.
Okay, you know some stuff about Marvin Mews, being a student of the arts or something, but I'll let the library terminals tell all. He lived about forty years ago.
I MARVMEWSMarvin Mews was a Lucky Cat who loved to dance. Not content with simply greeting visitors to the Hidden Trout Lucky Chinese Food Restaurant in downtown Greyhelm, Marvin Mews trained in secret for years to perfect his dance moves. Then one night, upon entrance of a large party of Priests of Aphrodite, Marvin put on a record, the exact title of which is lost to history, and began a long dance number that evolved over the course of their delicious meal. Never once did he break a sweat or lose his smile. It was classic.From there, it wasn't long until Marvin Mews was the most famous dancing cat in all of Greyhelm. He entertained Greyhelm royalty, heads of state and temples from around the world, and even the demi-god King Arthur at an unbelieveable, one-night only performance at the MGM Grand. His signature dance step was the Mews Special, often imitated, never re-created, and generally regarded as the ultimate end of the original Two-Step. His Jitterbug was also amazing.Marvin Mews was an impeccable dresser, and could rarely be seen without his Impressive Dance Slippers, a Fine Tie, a Nice Bowler, and a Lucky Coin to flip, possibly among other accoutrements. The Fifth Trout Legend says that Marvin Mews never died, he acquired a Magic Bodhi Cane and danced his way into the stars.