Have we found any keys that might unlock the golden lock on the keep? Perhaps we could find some answers there...
Rob, to review, the three main buildings in Greyhelm are the tower, the keep and the chapel. seems like we have ransacked and pilfered both the tower and the chapel (not in that order) but the Keep is largely untouched... right? or is there another area in the tower we skipped over or just missed?
Does anyone in the party have a key? wait, do I have a key? what came of the key from Lord Ocho's neck? I know I took it... but did it get used somewhere else? if I still have it, I take a trip down and out of the tower and try it on the Keep... if it was used already... then I start exploring the tower for any other rooms (secret ones like Chef Danza's) or other hallways we have yet to examine.
I'm with ya Tut. Let's solve this shit.