Anyone else been having trouble getting blogger to load the past few days?
Anyhow, a BlogRoll to save my life, eh? Alright, here goes everything...
BR 19. Wow, nice. I guess that means I live to get bandaged and maybe healed.
I had to skim a lot of posts, but I think there was also something about getting Hold Person'd a few rounds back. Better save for that, too. BR 18. Maybe some higher power wants Vrill dead.
Anyhow, seeing as I've only been able to post sproadically recently, assume I'm tossing out magic missiles 1/round (well, 2 a round, actually, since I'm level 4...). All of these are aimed squarely at that crapshit Vrill.
So that's 6 bolts of 1d4+1 pain over the next 12 seconds. Time to bust a mystical cap in your undead ass, Vrilly boy.
Next Round:
BR 2+1= 3
BR 4+1= 5
Next Round +1:
BR 3+1= 4
BR 4+1= 5
Next Round +2:
BR 3+1= 4
BR 2+1= 3
The only condition I'll ditch these actions under is if one of my homies needs bandaging.