Nifty. Yeah, like I said earlier, I've rolled numbers in the 20+ range on a d4 a couple times...
Anyhow, round seven is a Fireball on Vrill, straight outta the book of Pretty Good Spells, in order to superheat his stuff. 6d6 BR 25. I'm not sure exactly how many damages the book version does. Does using the book count as a wand? If not, it's 4d6. That's BR 15.
Round eight, assuming I'm still alive, a Cone of Cold on Vrill. That's let's see, PHB p. 80... 1d4+4 points of damage. You've gotta be kidding me. That's lame. Highly lame. Anyway, BR 1+4= 5. Hope that shatters his stuff.