on round 6 still on Vrill I attack him. you said he was looking bad after the Magic Missile dave sent his way. I would like to hit him at that point with my Halberd before he drops the dispel or drinks his potion that heals him to full.
2 attacks a miss and I drink my 20! potion.....if I need to roll to hit with that let me know.
if it just does double damage then I do.
(8+4+2)x2 for 28 hps of damage. That is done during a point in time that he was "looking bad". just saying.
I say full I mean my max hp. for the record 3d8+3 can heal alot. So I am at 26 hp.
I don't care if he thinks i cheat anymore then he cares that I know he cheats....fuck em. Like this for example he Magic Missiled Ruy and killed Ruy but that could not have happened because Magic Missile is line of sight and I doubt Ruy was giving Vrill a target as Ruy is an excellent Strategist. If that means Ruy is alive, which he should be if we were playing by rules then Vrill takes another 6 hp from my attack