Please first see the erratum to the previous round below.
Okay, in Round 4, Dave FoO heals Brogg to 36 hp. Brogg drinks the levitate potion as a free action, go ahead and do your stuff Brogg in round 4. Please don't forget the save vs. hold first!
Sounds like Marivhon is also drinking a levitation potion as a free action. Go ahead and take your rolls too Mar... but don't forget your save vs. charm! If you fail your save, you're going to interpose with Brogg. You don't have to fight him, but you're going to keep him away from Vrill... make opposed STR and DEX rolls with Brogg. That could be some complicated posting, so just first tell me if you make STR and/or DEX and we'll go from there.
Vrill casts a Fireball, getting basically everyone except himself and Marivhon. Ron Ball is already dead, the metal giant is immune, but Tut, Dave FoO, Moth, Brogg, Ruy Lopez, and Schmektor, make saves vs. spells. I'm ruling that given Cures and melee combat, everyone's in close supposition, but if Vrill wants to get everyone he'd have to get himself as well. Instead, he floats laterally towards the PCs on the ground to draw Brogg and Mar over, backs up, chooses one person to exclude- Mar- and then drops the Fbomb.
He drinks a potion too. Rules is rules.
If you make your save, you take 24. If you miss it, you take 48 points of damage. Yeah, I know a couple of you might be dyin' here. Once again, Ruy Lopez bites it.
End of the round, the metal giant goes for you, Tut. 14 hp damage with the big drill.
Even if you go down or die, feel free to post your round 4 action and we'll slot it in, including drinking potions as you wish. No, you can't take the 48 hp damage, die, and drink a potion to heal you back up. Cheers.