Ye Olde Divide By Zeroe
Schmektor, we're on the round where Abbey casts Death Spell, and you, Tut, and Moth die no save. (That's how Death Spell works in 1E.) And yes, she casts even though she's been silenced. She then takes her scroll back from Moth.
Marivhon, nope, you still can't attack her. Huh. You wonder why, if Zelba wants her dead so bad, why not just override Abbey's spell? Or why not kill Abbey herself? Or why not just kill everyone and WIN?
You have a round to ponder these things. Abbey then picks up a ZOM-G Controller, and types something into Zom's keypad.
> O NOE> 1/0> OH SHI- Zom shuts down for a while.
Thoughts, questions, comments? Next round actions, those of you still with us?