Shambler Fight Rs3/4/5 Revisited
Okay, great. Let's see where we are in Rounds 4 and 5...
Marivhon, after the cures, you're at 12 hp at the end of round 3. So you're up and ready to go in round 4. Plus, Blessed from the Aid and no longer puking.
Tut, you kill Shambler 1. Brogg's damage (31 points!) gets put on Shambler 2.
Dave FoO, you're up to 36 hp and feeling much better. Still gotta save vs. poison though. You hit the Gardener pretty good in round 5. Both he and the Shambler retaliate for another 20, dropping you to 16, make ANOTHER save vs. poison, and you're now taking automatic Shambler damage every round from being grappled in its ropy limbs.
Guys, there's a moderately wounded Gardener and Shambler left here, both still attacking Dave FoO. We're in Round 5, moving into Round 6, so make sure you're caught up. It's a little confusing, sure, but it's all been worked out, ya?
By the way, Dave, I know this should be Table Talk, but I since I have your attention, I'll just write it here. Just got the word that we've got at least 2 ladies comin' for Thurs. Trying to get another 3 more. I took a look at the setlists and they look fucking great, actually, stuff I've been wanting to hear for a while. Should be a fun night unless the place is totally dead.
Carry on.