Master Gregory Vrill, MPG, Master of the Greyhelm Potion Guild, 'Mage' Rank Magic-User
1. I'm doing
fine. Thanks for asking. Don't need any more help than I have in here.
2. Yes let's try to resolve our issues politically. Of course, I once tried to resolve our issues- such as murder and sabotage-
legally, which led to you invading my house, destroying two of my businesses, and butchering my family.
3. I'm not a cockmongler- you are. I'm a wizard.
4. So there's a new feature on Blogger that I've discovered, where you can upload pictures. Here's a picture that summarizes my thoughts on these matters:
Hmm... well that didn't work. That's not the picture I tried to upload.
Let's try this:
What's going on? That's still not right. One last time.
Well, whatever. It was supposed to be a picture of a guy making a funny face with a gesture. Instead I guess I 'spammed' your web blog with a lot of dumb cat pictures. Blogging is lame, anyway.