ok I miss move silent and totally make hide in shadows, it sounds like it's kinda loud in here so maybe thats ok. I try to get a shot in on the Mindflayer
round 1 hit ac 4.
round 2 I make my save unless it's a breath weapon psionic blast.
I also will hit him (nat 20) for 26 points of damage with my halberd. I hit ac 6 with my second attack which was an attempted kick to the side of the head.
round 3 I use my halberd to jump up a bit in the air and drop to do an axe kick on the top of the mind flayers head to dislodge him from tut. Well I don't hit tut or the bad guy with a 3.
let's see how things are going for round 4.
So do I see a mirror here?