Lvl 4 Battle Round 1: The Leg's Gotta Go
Moth, nope, the sword doesn't glow or anything, but you just kinda know who's an adventurer and who isn't. These guys aren't, they don't really go on adventures. As fer the shoes, well, yeah, you sorta dance around, but it's not so much gay as just a lot of fancy foppish footwork. It's not like you're Electric Sliding all around the battlefield.
Looks like all you guys start ralphing. Nausea is -2 to hit and +2 to be hit. Now ya know.
And speaking of, the Shamblers are AC:5 and the Gardener is AC:6.
Moth, two solid hits on the Gardener as he limps up. The arrows thump deep into his chest, and slow, grayish blood drips down his overalls. He pays the damage no heed.
Snip. Snip." The deformed figure wipes some drool and skin from his bloated lips.
Time for cuts. Time for snips."
Marivhon, you critical fumble looks like. The Gardener takes his massive shears and cuts deep into your thigh for 10 hp. Make a save vs. disease unless you're immune to that too. Gets a miss, and orders the two Shamblers to tag-team you. Another hit for 12, and make a STR check to avoid being hugged by the ropy, disgusting arms. You have 4 hp and are doing bad.
Snip off that leg for you," and you worry about what comes in rounds 2 and 3.