Dave, Fist of Odin
Hey Tut - four things.
a) I kinda called 'dibs' on the Zom-G controller. As our posts will show! But, that's not as important as:
b) You're getting booty from these fights - all I got was gold. But that's not as important as:
c) in combat, you deal out mad damage, and I'm become caster-support. But that's not as important as:
c) I gots hella Wis for the checks. That's probably the bottom line, here.
You got the skilz, sure, but we're all good here. I'm not going it alone - I'm just saying that Odin's grace guides my button-pushing. Rebuttal?
Oh - Wis check? A 12. Int check? A 2. Yeah buddy!
Anyway. Anyone have 50k for making a golem? Let me know if we get the cash - a 50hp golem might be a fun toy. I kinda doubt that a Chainsaw is the tool for the job against a man made of clay.