Dave, Fist of Odin
Hey wait - I thought the mace of degradation only affected a given opponent once. Is is cumulative? I kinda want to know; if it is, I'll keep plugging away with that - if not, I'm using the +2 mace.
Next round, save BR 13 - makes it handily.
Then another potion, for 14 points back. Strictly average.
Is the demon casting, or innately scary? I want to know if I should bust a silence on his ass.
Also, since we're not using initiative, I guess I clobber (BR 5 - swing and a miss) instead of casting Dispel - unless I can cast the dispel on anyone afraid.
If I can, I do that instead of clobbering.
If I can't, I dispel the fear on round four.
Your move, bitch.