Dave, Fist of Odin
CN check: BR4. No problem. This place smells like Sunday morning at Odin's temple. Two more CN checks? BR 9 and 12. Again, my experience with the Big O is coming in handy.
Round 1: Bring in a Bear. The bear's name is Nixon, and she goes to it on the gardener.
Round 2: Aid on Marivhon. +6 HP, +1 to hit/damage.
Round 3: Aid on Tut, and a potion to him, too. The Aid spell gives +5 hp (with a +1 to hit and damage); the potion gives +7. There you go, buddy - 12 hp of Odin's favor.
Round 4: Clobbering time on Mr. Gardener. BR 10 - BR 3 - 7 points damage.
And for the future, just in case:
Round 5: Badger comes in! Yee-ha!
Round 6: Clobbering time once more. BR 20 - BR 4 - 16 points of damage. Hee-wack!
Then, can I get an HP check?