Whatcha Gon' Do When Golems Comes For You
Schmektor, okay, you've got some rope. Sounds like Moth has some too.
Whatcha go'n do?
Tut, sorry. This golem doesn't seem to have his signature just sitting out so anyone can destroy him. If it were that easy, wouldn't the High Priest have destroyed his mad golem himself? No, this golem has HP that need to be removed in the old school fashion, unless you guys are clever enough to think up some alt strategy.
Moth, from your book learnin' you don't seem to know what sorts of demons inhabit golems, but from your perception of the combat, apparently very ANGRY ones do.
The round Brogg comes to 0 hp, the golem smashes him again for 8, up to -7 Brogg! Lookin' good.