Shake And Bake
Marivhon, it'd be like diving into a giant compost heap...
but what would Indiana Jones do? Dmg logged in the meantime.
Moth, great, you're back in rotation. Dmg also logged. A slime gremlin tags you for 5, make a save vs. poison (+0).
Tut, okay, you find some salt and some oil. You dump on the salt... slime mother makes a save, but desiccates a bit. She ain't a slug though, so she's still huge. Next, you douse the thing with oil...
Renwick and Schmektor, dmg done.
Renwick, hit for 4, make a save vs. poison. Tut, mother hits you for 12, also make a save vs. poison. Marivhon, critical fumble from gremlin. Go.