Well I drink a potion and attack the big bad twice!!
Hit ac 1 how big is it? If it's large I do 7 if it's small I do 12...huh.
I get back 8 hp so I'm down 3 by my math.
I yell.
"Uh guys I found a thing that is vomiting up the little gremlins.....I think it might be our priority...."
Is there a vantage point in the kitchen...a hanging pot. or a nice ledge, where I can attack funguy gooersohn without getting attacked by all the little gremlins. I will at least try to keep moving and keep as few on me as possible. dex check made with an 11.
oh yeah it was my 2 attack round so I'll just mention here at the end of the post my critical fumble on the big guy and hope nobody sees it.