King Tut
Rob can you have the 1st line of your combat posts give a round number? I think I have done 1 round of actions, by attacking the HP. It looks like Marivhon has about 4 rounds of actions or so. I'm not sure if he's in the correct round, or just providing future information in case he misses rounds.
I'll go through round 4, I have no idea what round this is though.
Round 2: I'll waste round 2 mocking the HP and spear. GG summoning a pos spear that does 5 pts of dmg / rd. And GG getting stunned in round 1 and waiting to die. Should've eaten that porridge.
Round 3: Attack Metal Johnson, the only dangerous thing in the room. What kind of a retarded robot puts a xbow on its head. This is the 2nd round of combat, but it's a new target, so I don't know if I get 1 or 2 attacks. I'll assume 1. BR: 7 is most likely a miss.
Round4: 12 (hits AC 3) and 15 (hits AC 0). If the 12 hits, it does 2+3 = 5 pts. The 15 does 4+3 = 7 pts. Spank fool!!!! I am being careful not to damage the buzzsaw.