You Should Know Better Than To Try To Pick The Giant Magical Golden Padlock By Now
Okay, you fuck around with the gold lock, but sure enough, you can't open it. On the other hand, hey, no Symbol of Death, Glyph of Warding crap like that, so we'll call it a win.
Knights of Armek have been stripped clean. No other ones around here... wait, no, here come six now. No shit. Marivhon, you close the porticullis and hope for the best.
In fact, when the porticullis drops, a big ass blue glowing magical barrier surrounds the castle. Well, that'll keep the Knights out for now.
The Tower of Greyskull, er, GreyHELM looks about six stories tall. Greyhelm Keep is much taller, maybe 8-13 stories? The Chapel looks about three, maybe more your guys' speed. In ya go.
Once, this must have been a cheerfully morose place, like any church of Isaac of the Jug would be. You know, a martyr god, paid for some crimes, died for your sins, that sort of hokey bullshit.
It's been destroyed. Not entirely, but there are what look like a ton of little black imps gleefully shitting all over the main temple here. Sure, a staircase goes up to a belltower, and inside you see a stairs down to the crypt, but for now? You've got to fight tons of little shitty imps.
They sense you, swarm on over. You each have one round before you're swarmed.