Marivhon, chill out. Don't be dick.
Ed's clearly not playing anymore, and the stuff can be divvyed up in a more egalitarian fashion, or at least a less overtly hostile fashion. I wholeheartedly think that "to the posters go the spoils". I said that Cinder's stuff is up for grabs. Ed has had more than enough time to come in here and reclaim his stuff. Shit, I got an email from Ed not two days ago about something not game related, so it's not like he's trapped in a cave without internet access.
He just ain't playing anymore. This isn't the first time I've said overtly "have Cinder's stuff". Dave, Brogg, and Renwick have had many, many days to step on in and take what they want. I've got a funny feeling Cinder is going to bite it soon. Call it a DM's intuition.
Okay, so you think that most of Cinder's random crap should be sold. Well what should I do? Go with it? Wait in vain for someone to second that emotion? No. I go with it, because chances are no one's going to 1) read your post in the first place, and 2) agree with you. But then you say that you sell his shoes (third to last sentence) but keep the Roos (second to last sentence, before "and Scene"). (
Uh, the Roos ARE the shoes.) And when you say "We keep his roos and the polymorph and the improved invis potions", you understand that that DOES NO GOOD, right?
Because "we keep" is meaningless. God, that's super important. It means the donkey driving the Tard Cart has them, not any one PC in particular has them, i.e., it means they'll never be used. And who's going to buy and carry what potions anyway? *crickets*
Actually, you know what? Cinder dies. Wills Gregolas all his stuff. Gregolas buys a new TiVo fully loaded, new XBox 360, and kicks back with a few, but pays off your whole temple deal (of which Schmek and Moth were not responsible), with spare change left over, tells ya not to sweat it. Moth, you've got the sword and gloves because that makes sense; Marivhon, you've got the Roos, you wanted 'em. Do whatcha like. Gregolas says "Well sorry guys. Can't come now, I've got a lot of TiVo to catch up on, right Brian?" Brian nods. "Word," say Gregolas. "Anyway, good luck with... uh... yeah, Castle Greyelm or the Knights or that dude Vrill or... riiight. You know, I was talking to Gre... oh, never mind."