El Ocho Esta Muy Grande!
Okay Schmektor, Moth, and Marivhon, you guys are in melee with Lord Ocho. The other PCs are too slow to make it up there before the horde of undead interposes. You hear that, other PCs? You're now fighting a skeleton army. Can't get to El Ocho.
Schmektor and Marivhon, miss. Moth, flame on, damage logged. Marivhon, since Ocho is a large undead guy, there's no way you can stun him. Instead, he pulls out the Ocho Glaive and OGs you for 10 hp.
Rewinding, it looked like Vrill had a well-distributed group of adventurers. Guy heavily armed and armored, guy in robes, two guys in light/moderate armor, plus Ron Ball, priest of Jesus.
Uh, no offense to the religious amongst us, but that's really Ron Ball's god. Any similarity with any theologic-historial figures is purely coincidental.