The Altar Room
Just to be clear, those of you playing at home, King Tut's "claw claw bite" amounts to a feral accountant having what appears to be a violent epileptic fit. Tut, maybe Monk is a good class for you?
Brogg, Cured. Moth, hmm, thinking about these imps, you remember reading up on a previous imp infestation in the mines of Durth about 80 years ago. A large demon had been summoned through a existing Gate (one of the deep mines has a water problem, so a demon gate was set up to bring some strong labor through in times of need), and as the Gate was closing, a bunch of imps swarmed on in through it. They seem to be 'unwelcome guest' side effects of demon summoning through standing portals (i.e., not via the Gate spell or Implore or something... more artifactual).
You head deeper into the Chapel towards a massive altar of Issac at the back. Along the way, Marivhon, you kick something on the ground. It's a golden jug. You take it and move along.
You find a grisly scene at the back. Three corpses, long since dead- now just skeletal- but essentially ripped limb from limb. Their brown Issac-Jug robes lie in tatters and their holy symbols have been destroyed. The massive statue of Issac above you on the wall has been defaced. You find a small iron key amongst the bones, but it doesn't look like it fits the golden padlock outside.
All to see here, so unless you have something else to do, it's Up, Down, or Out.