Robot Houdini
Okay, Schmektor and Renwick get everyone together, and you work to ensnare the Knight in a web of rope. Then you poke him with sticks. That works to delay his escape some more... until he starts spinning and twisting in a bizarre pattern... and, like a
ROBOT HOUDINI, escapes the ropes in a sudden flare of motion!
You guys are 2/3s the way there... but you still need one more effective delay tactic to get the Knight all the way back to Grito. Ideas? Or will the Knight finally smash his way out?!
Marivhon, okay, no random encounters. You get to Stanislaus' tower, and alert Bugbear Roo that you've got a Knight in transit. Stanislaus gets on his magic carpet and floats down out of the tower, and in the direction towards the Tart. Joining you back on foot are 12 bugbears and a xorn, for some reason. The xorn wears a green sash with an intricate badge on it. The bugbears are carrying small kegs of glue. You hurry back...