Well, it's a sign when people won't even level up, for chrissakes. I'm not pushing things on 1) to give you guys a chance to level etc, and 2) to see about a change in direction.
So hey big world wide web out there. Anyone actually read this? If anyone wants to be a player, we're opening it up. 'Wide up'. Just email:
mastervrill713@yahoo.comand I'll hook you up with an account.
So. Anyone read any good books lately? I'm finishing Thomas Pynchon's "Vineland", and god does it suck. Like Quentin Tarantino adapts Tom Robbins. Ugh.
Anyway, Grito's a pretty chill place. The rumor is that Master Vrill has a master plan, and in two weeks of real time, the whole Knights of Armek thing will be cleaned up, and the world can get back to normal.
Gregolas is watching "The Great Space Coaster" on a crappy TV he found. He shrugs. "It ain't my TiVo, no 'Sopranos', no 'Big Love'... no Chloe Sevigny boobage, but it'll do."