Wow, what a fury of activity!
Alright, thanks for the ring, Marivhon! That kicks ass! I am now AC:0! Yeah!
Ok, thanks for the Stength, Renwick. I think I am two rounds behind.
First round, I Cure Light myself for 7, putting myself at 10, I think.
Second round, I bring some broadsword fury on Jonathan. Oops!, I made a mistake... I don't get 2 melee attacks a rouns until 7th Fighter, not 5th. My bad... I guess I was unreasonably awesome. Sorry.
At any rate, here's my attack, BR:19! That's a hit. With my 18/30 strength, I do 13 points of damage!
Man, I've got to update some Reference stuff...
Oh yeah, BW save, BR:20. No shit. Brogg's on fire! -Nice shot Elf guy!