Free special training?! Thanks Ron!
I don't suppose I can keep my 'fake' leveling hit point roll, can I? No, didn't think so... Here it is, BR:8. Yeah! 4 more hps, baby.
I am now specialized in hammer. Someday I am going to have a cool returning hammer like Thor. Then I can throw it and yell: Please Hammer, don't hurt em! -That's going to kick ass.
So, we need to rebuild the Temple of Zelba and dedicate ourselves to its success? Does that mean we get our souls back? Because if it doesn't then Zelba can take a hike. That whole "
you will be mine in the end" seems like we have no choice.
I am going to try an Augury on that one: Will I get my soul back if I do kill Vrill and Abbey, and rebuild her temple? I also try to find Grettin and Shettin and ask him about it.
Let's steer clear of Greg until we are all trained.
Hey, can I find anyone who can add my +1 crystal to my broadsword?